The Sanctuary Network

Mister Glen Meyers was a person who possessed heat vision. He was the husband of Ruth Meyers and the father to their two sons, Robbie Meyers and Edward Meyers.


Episode 1x08 - "Edward"
Being an abnormal was extremely stressful for Glen Meyers as his ability presented itself in uncontrollable attacks; leading him to personally view it as something 'bad'. Glen used to lock himself away at times, possibly as some sort of control for himself. Another coping mechanism he use was by indulging himself in alcohol. His alcoholism made him an abusive father. Unfortunately, due to Glen's fear of the ability and his passing the burden of it onto their sons through heredity, Glen used his ability one more final time to commit suicide; heating the the barrel of the shotgun he had pointed at himself, igniting the gunpowder, discharging the weapon.

